Friday, December 22, 2006

Inspiration Iran

Reuter's Top News

Iran nuclear program an inspiration: Ahmadinejad

December 22, 2006

TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday mocked the United States and its allies for trying to stop Iran's nuclear program which he said had become a source of inspiration for other nations.

NewsPoet writes:

"Inspiration Iran"




Following examples.
India and Pakistan.

Syria. Iraq. Jordan.
Palestine. Lebanon.
Wherever Shi'a exist.

Nuclear energy.
Alternative. Maybe.
Inspiration. Unlikely.

Western. Defiance.
Solitarity. Conformance.
Ayatollah. Subservience.

Bible. Qu'ran.
Relevance. Today.

Honor. Parents.
Heritage. Talents.

Great Signs of God.

Hawzas. Pathway.
Greatness. Honor.

Islamic Studies.
Ethics. Philosophy.

Islamic sciences.

Great. Lead Superior.
Help all people.
Find way to God.

True Inspiration Iran.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Right to Exist

The Electronic Intifada

The trap of recognising Israel by Jonathan Cook

14 December 2006

The problem facing the Palestinian leadership, as they strive to bring the millions living in the occupied territories some small relief from their collective suffering, reduces to a matter of a few words.

NewsPoet writes:

"Right to Exist"

Israel exists.

How Israel came to exist
Is history.
Learn from history.
Do not live in the past.

Israel exists.

Families feud.
Fact of life.
Hate your brother.
Hate yourself.
Let go of hate.

Israel exists.

What do you
Covet in Jerusalem?

Whom do you
Envy in Israel?

What do you
Covet in
The West Bank?

Whom do you
Envy in Sumaria?

Desire what is
Right and true.
Forsake envy.
Covet no thing.

Israel exists.

Are you now
Docile and humble
Beggars seeking
Alms from the world?

Israel exists.

You have the same
Right to exist.

Grasp onto the truth.
Speak out in
Truth and Justice.

You will have much
To give to the world
When Palestine exists
Shoulder to shoulder
With Israel.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

One Grain of Sand

Al Qaeda's No. 2 speaks out against elections

December 20, 2006

DOHA, Qatar (CNN) -- Al Qaeda's second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri released a new videotaped statement Wednesday that said "holding elections won't lead to Palestine's liberation," CNN Arabic experts confirmed.

"Those who try to liberate Muslim land through elections ... will not liberate one grain of sand of Palestine," al-Zawahiri said in video footage aired first by the Arab-language Al-Jazeera television network.

NewsPoet writes:

"One Grain of Sand"

A man of peace?
A warmonger - full of
Death and destruction?

Choose now.
The choice is clear
Life or Death.

Liberate Muslim minds first.
Jihad can use the oppressed
To protect the oppressors.

Do you trust anyone
Who is quick to
Throw your life away?

Fear not death
But the one who
Advocates it for you.

Choose a life full of:

Children and responsibilities.

The grains of sand
That count the moments
In your life.

Raucous debates and
Passionate elections.

Jihad demands
Your commitment
To the struggle -
Not the end to your life.

Live to righteously fight
Against your oppressors
Not for them.

Choose life today.
Death will come
Soon enough

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Foreign Medics

Reuters: Top News

Foreign medics sentenced to die in Libya case

December 19, 2006

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - A Libyan court sentenced five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor to death on Tuesday for deliberately infecting hundreds of children with the virus that causes AIDS, provoking a chorus of Western condemnation.

NewsPoet writes:

"Foreign Medics"

Ignorance of the facts.
Prejudices of mind.
Lack of independence.
Judicial compomise.

Veagence is not justice.

Everybody makes mistakes.
Even judicial ones.
If Justice prevails
So too must Truth.

Westerners may clamour
But do not expect money.
Buying justice or freedom
Is a bad investment.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Opium: Demand & Supply

"Afghan opium cultivation soars 59 percent in 2006, UNODC survey shows.

KABUL, 2 September (UNODC) - "Opium cultivation in Afghanistan rose 59 percent in 2006, largely due to a dramatic increase in the troubled southern provinces, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said."

"Heroin habits in the West put huge sums of money into the pockets of criminals and insurgents who destabilize Afghanistan and kill soldiers and civilians alike."

NewsPoet writes:

"Opium: Demand & Supply"

Western nations
Demand heroin.
Afghan warlords
Supply opium.

Supply follows Demand.

Always more
Supply routes
Than enforcement

Cash trumps:
The Rule of Law.
Religious piety.
Good intentions.

Sin taxes?

Limit personal freedom -
Even Western heretics
Prefer Afghan reforms.

If Western addicts cannot stop;
If Western leaders cannot decide;
If Western freedom is sacrosanct;
Then rapprochement
Is damned to fail.

Good faith and open debate.
Goodwill. Reconciliation.
Put past behind where it belongs.

Honestly listen.

Prepare to change.
Meet the future
With energy and confidence.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Arab Attitudes

Reuters - Middle East and North Africa Poll: Arabs more negative toward U.S.

December 15, 2006 - WASHINGTON - A new survey shows Arab attitudes toward American people, products and culture grew increasingly negative last year.

NewsPoet Writes:

"Arab Attitudes"

Infidels free to fornicate.

Entreprenuers ready
To exploit and profit.

Lewd and vulgar minds
Spew filth
Into the souls
Of our beloved.

Cultural diversity
Confuses the learned
And corrupts those
Eager to simplify life.

Seven, eight, even nine
Out of ten humans
Distrust freedom
And fear temptation's grip.

Democracy is some
Crazy western notion.
An ideal no one has yet
Foolishly implemented.

The Rule of Law.
Justice for all.
Equal Rights.
Presumed innocence.

I have not seen it work well yet.
You want the Iraqi's
To bet their lives on it now?
Maybe we are not stupid,
But we have been called crazy.

Seven out of ten
Dislike the Bush War
And his no exit strategy.

Six out of ten
Want our troops
Out of there.

No gratitute, Mr. President.
No forgiveness. Not yet.
No jewel. No crown.
No American influence. No control.
No Iraqi oil guarantees or discounts.

You want trust?
You want credibility?
You want influence?
Take the responsibility.
Clean up our own mess first.

Let history decide
Who won.
At least now the world
Has one less despot
Killing innocent Kurds and Iraqis.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Goldman Profits

Goldman Sachs profit is a Wall Street record
And for employees: An average $622,000
December 12, 2006

NewsPoet Writes:

"Goldman Profits"

Normal profits.
Customary profits.
Reasonable profits.
Economic profits.

Marginal profits.
Short-run profits.
Seasonal profits.
Cyclical profits.
Long-run profits.

Extraordinary profits.

Oligopoly profits.
Monopoly profits.
Cartel profits.
Industry profits.

War profits.
Obscene profits.

And beyond obscene lies

Goldman profits.

Are price cuts really
Out of the question?

How much richer
Does Goldman Sachs
Need to be
Before you
Take your money
And run?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


CNN Poll: Most Americans see lingering racism -- in others

December 13, 2006


Racism is now
And always will be

Discrimination -
A personal choice.
A basic human right.
A personal responsibility.

Tolerance and flexibility -
Other vistas abound.
Warrant our consideration.
Demand attention and respect.

When you see racism in others,
It is but your own reflection.
Admit the truth,
Then change it.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Bitters and Sweets

"Bush Suffers Record-Low Job Approval, Iraq War Numbers"

ABC News/Washington Post Poll:

70 Percent Disapprove of Bush's Handling of War, Six in 10 Say War Not Worth Fighting

Dec. 12, 2006

"Bitters and Sweets"

Standing on the rubble
At the Center of World Trade
Was called for by forces that
Breached Freedom's fortress.

Crying, Hail Victory!
From the top of Lincoln's deck
Was all too early drunk
From Liberty.'s bitter chalice.

The fount of Freedom's
Quenching drink
When easily won
Is likewise cast away.

Now at lowest ebb
The truth of greatness
Or damnation lies bloodied
And torn on the streets of Iraq.

Tell us now and quickly so
Are Humanities' children
Being slaughtered for
Life, Liberty or
The pursuit of oil and profit?

Choose you this day
Whom you serve
Damnation's bitter cup or
Sweet Freedom's fare
Await your chosen pathway
To Heaven or to Hell.