Sunday, December 17, 2006

Opium: Demand & Supply

"Afghan opium cultivation soars 59 percent in 2006, UNODC survey shows.

KABUL, 2 September (UNODC) - "Opium cultivation in Afghanistan rose 59 percent in 2006, largely due to a dramatic increase in the troubled southern provinces, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said."

"Heroin habits in the West put huge sums of money into the pockets of criminals and insurgents who destabilize Afghanistan and kill soldiers and civilians alike."

NewsPoet writes:

"Opium: Demand & Supply"

Western nations
Demand heroin.
Afghan warlords
Supply opium.

Supply follows Demand.

Always more
Supply routes
Than enforcement

Cash trumps:
The Rule of Law.
Religious piety.
Good intentions.

Sin taxes?

Limit personal freedom -
Even Western heretics
Prefer Afghan reforms.

If Western addicts cannot stop;
If Western leaders cannot decide;
If Western freedom is sacrosanct;
Then rapprochement
Is damned to fail.

Good faith and open debate.
Goodwill. Reconciliation.
Put past behind where it belongs.

Honestly listen.

Prepare to change.
Meet the future
With energy and confidence.

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